
White Lie Soap

For removal of lingering stains on Ellen White's integrity as an inspired writer

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Kevin L. Morgan


Available on back-order

Ellen G. White was a noted speaker and writer of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Her Christ-centered writings have comforted generations of Christians. Yet, her integrity as an inspired author has been impugned by accusations in the book The White Lie and its legacy on the Internet. Specially formulated to lift the lingering stains and leave a fresh appreciation of GodÆs prophetic guidance in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

“ Your book is by far the best thing I have read on the subject of Ellen White’s writing. You have dealt very persuasively and kindly with every imaginable question that an honest critic could have. I feel personally indebted to you for the enormous amount of time and energy you have spent in giving the world such a satisfying explanation of the false assertions that some have made relative to Ellen White’s ministry.”
—Robert W. Olson, retired director Ellen G. White Estate

“ A very thoughtfully done, much-needed work.”
—Jerry Moon, Chairman Church History, Andrews University

“ I believe this book will be helpful in clarifying the issues of copying, borrowing, and plagiarism regarding Ellen White’s writings.”
—Denis Fortin, Dean School of Theology, Andrews University

“ It’s thorough, interesting and needful. You’re providing a very helpful book.”
—Jeff Filiberto, retired physician, Lookout Mountain, Georgia

“ When many people lose confidence in Ellen G. White they also lose their Adventist faith and often their hold upon Christ. As a denomination, we have failed to correctly educate our people and have given them false concepts regarding her work. We need to have people who will defend her ministry.”
—Graeme Bradford, evangelist and Honorary Research Fellow Avondale College

“ I have read the entire manuscript. You have done a fine job.”
—Walter T. Rea, author of The White Lie

Available on back-order

ISBN: 9780982662014 |

251 pages |

Review and Herald |


Paperback |

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