
Three Steps to Heaven Joe Crews

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Joe Crews


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If there could be a highway to the moon, it would take 20 months of constant driving at the rate of 400 miles per day to reach the land of the moon. If there could be a railroad stretching up to the sun, a streamlined train traveling 90 mph non-stop, day after day and year after year, would require 116 years to reach sunny land. An airplane flying at 500 mph would have to travel nonstop for 500 years to reach the nearest fixed star.

Yet far beyond the starry sky lie the pearly gates of God’s great heavenly sky city. No one knows how far it is in miles, and no one will ever develop a space vehicle for going there, but every one of us can get to that beautiful place by taking three simple steps that we’re going to talk about in this little book.

Currently out of stock, please email abc.nz@adventist.org.nz to order.

ISBN: 9781580190732 |

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