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Let us, in imagination, go back to that scene and sit with the disciples and a great multitude on a mountainside near the lake Gennesaret. The message Christ had been proclaiming, ?The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,? had arrested the attention of all classes. Excitement was in the air. They had witnessed His miracles and were optimistic that He would announce His intention to overthrow the oppressive Roman yoke from which they all suffered.
To their surprise Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, unfolded the meaning of much deeper themes. Lessons which they, and all humanity in all ages, desperately need to learn. Let us, with humble and open hearts, seek to understand these life-changing principles that we too may discern in them their vividness and beauty and apply them to our lives.
The full text of Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing is divided into 36 lessons (a separate copy of the book is not necessary, though it would make a nice accompanying gift for your Bible student). In each lesson, questions are given with Bible texts to read to find the answer, and further texts for more study. Any Bible version may be used. Each question is followed by paragraphs from the book to further explain the answer. There are calls for decision and commitment at the end of each chapter. Space for study notes is also provided in each chapter. A detailed answer key is given at the back of the book, and a certificate of completion.
Take an incredible journey through the Bible as you study the beautiful lessons Christ gave to His followers in all generations in the Sermon on the Mount. As you study, you will find a deeper, closer, more meaningful relationship with your Saviour, Jesus Christ.
This is an excellent book for your personal study, but is especially intended for use in studying together with a friend or in a group. Suggestions are given for effectively conducting group studies.
Currently out of stock, please email abc.nz@adventist.org.nz to order.
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