
Summer of Sharks

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Sally Streib


Available on back-order

When twelve-year-old twins, Eric and Susan, move in with their aunt, they never dream that they will end up on a remote island paradise in the Bahamas for a coral reef restoration project! Susan bubbles over with excitement at the promise of underwater adventures. But the thought of cruising around in a large ocean, full of creepy and dangerous creatures, scares Eric. He tries to keep his fear a secret, and makes excuses for staying behind.

But with expert guidance from Aunt Sally and Uncle Merle, the twins are soon swimming, snorkeling, and SCUBA diving in a dazzling undersea world of wonder and beauty. The living kaleidoscope of swirling colors, light, and shapes teaches both scientific and spiritual lessons about the Creator?lessons that draw Susan, Eric, and their friend, Kevin, closer to God.

Then one day, an encounter with a monster of the deep thrusts Eric face to face with his deepest fears?and puts his faith to the test. Will Eric trust God to help him overcome his terror and keep him safe from harm?

Available on back-order

ISBN: 9780816321261 |

128 pages |

Pacific Press |

Paperback |

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