
Miss Brenda’s Bedtime Stories (Vol 2)

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Miss Brenda’s Bedtime Stories, volume 2, is a collection of more than twenty-five delightful stories you will never forget. You are sure to enjoy “A Joke on Mama,” “Runaway Jumper,” and “Bad, Bad Blackie” while learning about important things like forgiveness, answered prayer, and the value of honesty and obedience. Some stories will keep you on the edge of your seat, others will have you laughing, while still others are sure to warm your heart. These true stories, written especially for Miss Brenda by beloved and best-selling authors (and some written by Miss Brenda herself!) are sure to be loved by children and treasured by parents and grandparents. Perfect for reading together before bedtime – or anytime – these character-building stories are sure to draw your family closer to Jesus.

4 or fewer in store (can be backordered)

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