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Wide-angle perspectives on the central messages of Scripture.
The NIV Compact Bible Commentary explains the Bible book by book. But unlike other commentaries, it begins with the larger context–the Bible as a whole–then shows you how all its books fit into the grand picture. Instead of a verse-by-verse exposition, it unlocks the meanings of larger sections of Scripture. Youll see how key themes, concepts, and even specific terms from earlier books of the Bible are echoed and expanded on in later books.
If youre serious about studying the Bible, if you need a resource to prepare a Bible lesson, or if you simply want to know the Bible better, this is one commentary you should have, even if you already own several. Written by respected theologian John Sailhamer, its insights offer valuable, wide-angle perspectives on the central messages of Scripture, and its compact size makes it perfect for school, church, the workplace, and as a travel companion.
Currently out of stock, please email abc.nz@adventist.org.nz to order.
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