
Jaime Jorge Live! 25 Years DVD

25 years of music ministry

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Available on back-order

A documentary of the life of Jaime Jorge, with Live Concert

Special guests Kirk Whalum, Larnelle Harris, Michael Card, John Stoddart, Sam Ocampo, Reinaldo Macias, Jennifer LaMountain, along with part of Jaime’s beloved family, an all-star band, choir, and an orchestra, join Jaime Jorge during this memorable evening to bring you an unforgettable DVD containing concert footage, interviews and a documentary, celebrating 25 years of music.

Songs Include:

  1. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
  2. The Impossible Dream
  3. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
  4. Sweet By and By
  5. Adoration
  6. My Plea, O Lord
  7. Were it Not For Grace
  8. Blessed Assurance
  9. Patriotic Medley
  10. It’s Not In Vain
  11. Meditation from “Thais”.
  12. Csardas
  13. My Tribute (To God Be The Glory)
  14. I Will Always Love You
  15. Worship Medley
  16. Amazing Grace

Available on back-order

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Sunday 10am-12.30pm

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Friday 10am-12.30pm

Closed Saturday


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