

Discovering a God Who is Enough When You're Not

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Tamyra Horst


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Most people, especially women, know firsthand the battle of feeling not enough. Or too much. And sometimes both at the same time. The battle to feel good enough is real and constant. There are days when the “not enoughness” threatens to rip out your heart, discourage you, and cause you to lose hope. Give up. Surrender.

And it’s true. You are not enough. You can’t ever be enough on your own no matter how hard you try.

The real lie is that you have to be enough, that you have to make yourself be enough.

The truth is that God is enough. Join author Tamyra Horst as she leads you on a journey to discover God in your not enoughness. Find out

• who defines what “enough” is,
• why the enemy wants to keep us feeling inadequate,
• how accepting the lie affects our relationships,
• what to do when you mess up,
• where to find peace with yourself, and
• how to speak the truth to other women.

Experience the joy and peace and hope Jesus brings, and learn to accept that you are chosen, wanted, and accepted. Find your purpose and passion, and embrace the role God designed just for you. Because through Him, you are enough.

4 or fewer in store (can be backordered)

ISBN: 9780816366224 |

160 pages |

Pacific Press |

Paperback |

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