
101 Conversation Starters for Families

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Gary D Chapman


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To get your family close, you have to get it talking.

One of the signs of a healthy family is open and meaningful conversation. But its not always easy to get your kids talking. 101 Conversation Starters for Families is an excellent place to begin, providing just the right blend of fun and thought-provoking questions, such as:

If you could ask God a question, what would you ask?Complete this sentence: I feel especially close to you when . . .About trading places: Children: I think the best part about being a grown-up would be . . .Parents: I think the best part about being a kid would be . . .

Authors Gary Chapman and Ramon Presson have created this treasure trove in a handy tabletop format. Whether you do one question a week or five days a week, your family will experience a new level of closeness. 101 Conversation Starters for Families is the perfect companion to bestselling books, The 5 Love Languages of Children and The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers.

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ISBN: 9780802408396 |

112 pages |

Moody Publishers |


Paperback |

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